Sunday, 13 October 2013


Semiotics- this is a study of a system that will allow us to deconstruct media texts to understand how meaning is being created.

Signs are used to connote something, for example, the colour red may be used to connote either the characters anger or love for another character. Or a prop may be used to connote a certain social status, for example in an episode of outnumbered, a half used bottle of olive oil may connote they are a working class family who work together and cook for each other.

Key terms-
signifier- the object itself
signified- what the object is representing
denotation- the literal meaning of a sign (what it is)
connotation- the interpreted meaning of the sign(s)
iconic- those which work through resemblance (photographs)
symbolic-those which are learned (arbitrary signs such as words)
indexical- those which work through a link (smoke links with fire)

A code is put together with many little signs, which are decoded or interpreted by the audience.
media texts shows not the truth but an interpretation of the truth.
signs are polysemic- which refers to the capacity of all signs to be "many signs"

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