Thursday, 27 March 2014

my progression

Throughout this media course I have developed a lot of personal skills that have helped through the final stages of my coursework. At the beginning of the course, I was not completely sure of the amount of work that was involved with the project. As I became more and more aware, I started to change the way I worked. My level of commitment has increased, in terms of how I managed my time with getting the filming and editing complete. instead of waiting until next week or the weekend I learnt that there is no time like the present, filming needs to happen today, editing happens today and blogging also takes place today. By starting your work then and there allows your grow more time for changes and improvements if needed- in most cases this is needed.
Another large aspect of this media course is communication skills- therefore taking this into account and I created an iMessage group chat, therefore any ideas or plans that needed to be made would be clear- leading to less chance of misunderstandings.

A crucial skill I have developed is, my skill with the camera. at the start of the course when we conducted our continuity task, using the camera proved to be a lot harder than we had projected. however, when the filming process for the final piece had begun, the process of re filming certain scenes, really helped improve my skills with the camera. For example the execution of a pan shot is a lot harder than it looks, to get the camera to work in sync with the actor is a process that needs to be accurate. This shot requires the character to be in the middle of the shot throughout the pan. initially i found this difficult, because I couldn't keep the camera still whilst panning. however as they say, practice makes perfect. At this stage I now know how to keep the camera steady and execute various types of shots.

Overall as a group, we have defiantly made a vast amount of progress from where we began. We initially started off indirectly working against each other, there came a point where as a group if we did not pull together, we would have failed our coursework. This really bought us together as a group and highlighted everyones rolls and responsibilities within the group.

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